
Walk on doors non members and members no potion:
Open lots of tabs and open some slow websites in them. Click your backpack a lot. Your screen will freeze after about 5-100 times. If you have a slow laptop or computer, Skip the tab step. Oh and don't use Google chrome. It's to hard to freeze. Once your screen freezes you will be able to walk on doors. NOTE: once you do this glitch you can't click on friends list, your backpack, go to a new location etc. You have to refresh.
Walk on doors members one potion:
first, drink a bubble potion. Then, click on a door. once you get close to it, jump. this will take some practice.
Walk on everything members two potions: *ONLY YOU CAN SEE THIS GLITCH*
This is one of the hardest glitches in pandanda. First, buy a bubble and dragon tears potion. Then drink your bubble potion. Get on a door, or just stand close to where you want to go. Open your backpack. Now here is the hard part. Move your mouse outside your backpack and press 1. That will make you do the smile emote. now move your mouse over the button that says drink for the dragon tears potion, and press J. Wait one second and drink the potion. You will be on the wall!
Get into a locked treehouse:
There are two ways to do this glitch.
1. Get a friend (or yourself!) to lock their treehouse when you leave. Click on mini games and then dragons revenge. Wait a while, and then exit. If your friend locked their treehouse, You will be in it!
2. This way is best if you have two of your pandas on at the same time, but it can be done with a friend, So I will explain it to do yourself. First, Make sure the treehouse you want to get into is open. Then go to the treehouse lobby and click the thing that has a list of member treehouses. Then, on your other panda, lock your treehouse. Go back to the one looking at the list of treehouses and click on your other pandas name. You will be in a locked treehouse!
Henry activation:
To change the panda, just change the name in the URL.
That's it for now!