Saturday, November 6, 2010

Friday, November 5, 2010

Today's post

Well, There isn't much happening today on PD... So thought I might show you the Panda Of The Day! Today I have chosen TheHoodedELF to be Panda Of The Day! He has been stopping hackers from hacking, and people from saying bad things. So congratulations TheHoodedELF!

If you want to be Panda Of The Day, simply comment about why you should be Panda Of The Day. (For short, POTD.) I will post about you on this blog.

Cya everybody!
Misty :-)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Back after a break!

Very sorry I haven't posted for a while, I have been questing all the time... Well, The latest pandanda news is:
Halloween ended
Day of the dead ended
Quests started
New catalog
Well there you go. Oh and seen this? It's from Henry's blog!

The Official Pandanda Blogroll! November 4th, 2010
We know there are a lot of awesome Pandanda fan blogs out there! Some of you have been blogging about Pandanda for a long time, and you put a lot of work into keeping your blogs updated and exciting. We would like to recognize your effort and commitment by adding your blogs to the Official Pandanda Blogroll!

To be considered for the Official Pandanda Blogroll, your blog must meet these requirements:
  1. The blog has been active for at least one month.
  2. The blog is updated at least once per week.
  3. The blog must be about Pandanda, with only a very few mentions of any other games.
  4. The blog must have a link to on the main page.
  5. The blog must not contain inappropriate content.
To request that your blog be added to the Official Pandanda Blogroll, send an email to with BLOGROLL in the subject line. Make sure to include your blog’s URL, the name you want the Blogroll to show for your blog, and any special information you think we should know about your blog.

The Pandanda Team will visit each blog to decide if it meets the requirements. If it does, the blog will be added to the Blogroll. If some of the requirements are missing from your blog, the Team will send you an email letting you know what you need to do to meet the requirements. We look forward to adding your blog to the Official Pandanda Blogroll!

Blog on, Pandas!

Sounds cool! Maybe I will send this blog!
Just so you know pandanda, this blog has been up for ages, just not much people know about it.
Well, Cya Pandas!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Harvest Festival

Hi Everyone! You probably know that the harvest festival is over. Now everything is back to normal. I personally don't like collecting stuff, (That's probably why I always have under 1000 coins) so I'm kind of glad it's over.Turbo potions can now be brought from Paige! They cost 15 coins though. It's sad because for a few minutes they cost TWO COINS!I'm glad I stocked up on potions.... I have three pages of them lol. I wish they where still two coins. The sad thing is non members can't buy them anymore!
Sad... But to remind you, here are some pics of pandanda during the festival!

(With help from her other panda, windsurfgirl!)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Catching up with Jule

Hi everyone!
Here are some pics of Jule the moderator!

Me with Jule

Quests, Catalog, and proof mods do know about upcoming features
Jule admits she is a bad speller!

Hmmm :-o

From Blue and Mistral

Sunday, August 22, 2010

First Post!

Hi everyone!
I'm Mistral, one of the posters on this blog. I own this blog along with my friend BlueIsGood. We will write about all the latest pandanda news, as well as glitches and pictures and things about pandanda. At the top of the page you will see some pages you can visit. If you ever have updates for the news we post, or a better way to do a glitch, or just want to share your thoughts, feel free to leave a comment. It will be moderated.

Now to the first bit of news!
The Harvest festival has started! You have to collect apples to get prizes. There is a potion, but it runs out really really fast. To collect apples, just walk near it then click it, just like zing tickets. To get all the prizes, you need 207 apples.

Mistral :-)